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Overlay URL

The overlay file can be used to print the URL of our web site, which now contains images of the wreaths, onto the green sheet flyers we all received.  That way if you cannot chat with the customer and have to just leave a flyer, they can still see what the wreaths look like!  Just click on this file, and select to "Open" if you're using IE5.x (else "Save" if you're using Netscape then open the file in Word).  Once you have it in Word, print out one sheet and hold it up against one of your green sheets to verify position of the URL falls between the "Holiday Wreaths and Decorations" and "BSA Troop...", then feed your green sheets into the paper tray (printed side probably down, but run a single test print if you're unsure) and tell Word to print the number of copies that you had green sheets.  Clear as mud, right?  Email me if you have questions.

Patrol Reorg and Troop positions elections

Patrols reorganized this week based on elections held last week for various troop positions, with elected leaders occupying one patrol and all others in the second patrol.  The elections resulted in:

Badger Patrol

Troop Senior Patrol leader:  Bobby B.
Troop Scribe:  Drew B.
Troop Quartermaster:  Adam R.

Phoenix Patrol

Alex B.
James S.
Johnny V.
Argen C.
Aaron O.
08/05/01 Summer Camp at Rock Enon (CRE) was a blast.  Most scouts acquired anywhere from 3 to 6 merit badges, but there was plenty of time for play as well.  See some photos.

Sunday and Monday were rather wet, a drizzly permeating wet that threatened to overshadow our initial enthusiasm.  As with most gloom, it faded Tuesday morning as we all awoke to the 7AM bugle with the sun shining and cool temperatures that would carry throughout the week.

Much of the Basketry, leatherwork and wood carving took place on the site, as the 1 hour sessions were not adequate to complete these projects.  There were many sign-offs, with several of the scouts just short of their Tenderfoot rank, and others making additional headway on 2nd and 1st class requirements.

There was much joy when parents arrived on Friday.  It was a good surprise for most of the scouts, and a relief from the normal workload in spending time catching up with the goings-on.  This was a well-spent camp, and we believe the scouts progressed in more than rank advancements.  

06/02/01 Troop905 held their first hike today, which went very well.  While we badly miscalculated and cancelled what would have been our first true campout due to non-existent rain, we almost made up for it by having perfect weather for the hike.  See some photos.
06/01/01 Our first parents meeting went well, with a review of the BSA Fast Start videos and some discussion regarding needed committee members and other support.  Handouts given during the meeting(doc).
05/26/01 The second Troop905 yard sale at Galilee Church came off with only one glitch - it rained until around 10AM.  No matter, we set up around 7:30AM and carried on.  I was surprised by how many folks would stop and browse the wares in the rain...